What is fast fashion?
In recent decades, the textile industry has adapted to a constantly evolving global fashion and clothing market. Faced with the growing demand for diversity and quantity of products made available to consumers, the fashion industry has had to reinvent itself. This is how fast fashion was born.What does the term “fast fashion” mean?
Fast fashion is an Anglo-Saxon expression used to designate the renewal, as quickly as possible, of clothing fashion collections. Indeed, there is generally less than a month between the design of the garment and the moment it is put on sale. It is translated as "ephemeral fashion", "flash collection", or "disposable" (more accusatory) in French, and it is the current and predominant economic model in the world of fashion. At Luz, we try to counteract this model by offering swimsuits and sportswear that are both timeless and trendy. Our goal is to offer quality products that last over time and that you can wear without fear of them deteriorating with washing.Why is it no longer coherent to talk about “seasonal collections”?
The seasonal renewal of collections no longer exists, although the clothes follow the seasons consistently. The challenge is to create a scarcity effect by making customers understand that they will not find the product later if they do not buy it right away. The availability of the product is reduced in time, which makes it more attractive, encourages impulse purchases and a sense of urgency. Speed (fast) is one of the characteristics that defines this industry since one of the major challenges is the speed of production in order to satisfy the constantly changing demand of consumers. This practice is notably used by brands such as "Zara, Primark, H&M or Topshop". Unlike these brands, Luz offers its products until its stocks are completely exhausted to avoid waste. In addition, fabric scraps and surplus are always used in the following collections or to create accessories such as scrunchies or headbands.An unethical and ecological industry?
Fast fashion is also based on the notion of profits, since it is about producing more and more at a lower cost and distributing products en masse around the world. Thus, production is often relocated to where labor costs are lower and where environmental standards are less strict or even non-existent. In this way, brands increase their margins while remaining very competitive compared to made in France / Europe for example. On the contrary, Luz has chosen to produce its collections in Europe, in compliance with fair trade and environmental standards in order to guarantee quality production. In addition, we donate 1% of our turnover to the planet, which further increases the positive impact we wish to have.An industry that knows how to create desire among consumers
Furthermore, brands generate the "need" in the consumer by creating new collections and novelties, as well as by creating new trends and defining what is "in fashion". In doing so, companies invite consumers to buy more and renew their wardrobe frequently. Also, in order to increase their sales, brands standardize clothes to make them accessible to the greatest number by distributing them in stores located in many cities and countries. Their challenge is also to produce more sizes in order to suit a wide range of people and therefore to appeal to a maximum number of consumers.These practices, made possible in particular since fashion has become part of the current context of globalization, rhyme, for brands that are part of this model, with success and productivity. Fast fashion is therefore by definition an "anti-ecological" industry that relies entirely on lower quality clothing, with a very short lifespan, disposable and low prices. However, although fast fashion is the modeling of obsolescence in the field of fashion, it is very successful with consumers. We therefore invite you, through your consumer choices, both clothing and everyday, to take an interest in the origin and production techniques of the products you buy, if you want to try to reduce your ecological footprint. We will soon publish other articles to enlighten you on the practices of the fashion industry... Stay tuned!
Article written by Marie-Lou Haran